Is your SME developing new products and technologies that contribute to climate protection? If so, you can apply for financial support from the Swiss Climate Foundation here.
The following projects are excluded until further notice:
You can submit your application in English, French or German. The deadlines for submission are 1st March and 1st September.
The Swiss Climate Foundation is a joint initiative of various service companies for the economy. It is a voluntary initiative from business for business. In contrast, programs like the building program (in German) or the technology fund are government projects.
The Swiss Climate Foundation supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It has no obligations to the government and can therefore support innovation projects quickly and without bureaucracy. In contrast, the Klik Foundation only supports projects recognized by the government.
The Swiss Climate Foundation does not target individuals, as initiatives like the MyClimate Foundation or the myblueplanet movement do. It supports projects in the business sector with funds from its partners in business.
Various service companies voluntarily donate money to the Swiss Climate Foundation. The amount each company donates depends on the CO₂ tax collected by the Swiss government since 2008. Companies pay a tax per ton of CO₂ they emit.
This money is not kept by the government, but is partly invested in climate protection programs such as the building program or the technology fund, and partly refunded to companies. The redistribution is based on their total payroll.
Service companies especially benefit from this redistribution, as they consume little heating oil and gas. Therefore, they receive more back than they paid.
The Foundation supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that develop climate-friendly products. To qualify for funding, a project must primarily be implemented in Switzerland or Liechtenstein.
Yes. Support from other organizations is not an exclusion criterion for receiving funding from the Swiss Climate Foundation.
SMEs applying for support for innovation projects will receive a response in June (for applications submitted by March 1st) or in November (for applications submitted by September 1st).
The Foundation Board decides on the funding applications from SMEs.