The Swiss Climate Foundation supports Swiss and Liechtenstein SMEs in the development and scaling of innovative and climate-friendly products.
Thanks to the valuable collaboration with dedicated partner companies, we are able to help innovative climate protection technologies successfully enter the market through seed funding. Together, we shape a sustainable future – a heartfelt thank you to everyone supporting us in this effort.
The Swiss Climate Foundation is a voluntary initiative from business for business. Thanks to partner companies, it grants contributions totaling approximately CHF 3 million each year. The funders aim to benefit both climate protection and the economic location.
Our network of experts strengthens our mission – and their voices inspire us to contribute to Switzerland’s and Liechtenstein’s climate goals.
Wir brauchen ein Wirtschaftssystem, in welchem jene Unternehmen erfolgreich sind, welche nicht nur für ihre Eigentümer und Shareholder Profit machen, sondern auch für unseren Planeten und die Menschen. Die Klimastiftung Schweiz ermöglicht dies seit 15 Jahren indem sie KMU mit Dienstleistungsfirmen verknüpft.
Nationalrat Grüne
The Swiss Climate Foundation has a significant impact by supporting SMEs that develop climate protection solutions since 2008. This promotes Switzerland as an innovation hub and makes an important contribution to achieving net-zero emissions.
Co-President swisscleantech
It is crucial that we take action to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. We must implement measures to reach this goal. In this regard, the Swiss Climate Foundation is a key player. Now more than ever, an economy-driven approach for the economy is essential.
Director economiesuisse